Heusch was found in 1850, we invented the wold first industrial made textile knifes as well as the first shearing unit.
In order to achieve the best shearing result, Heusch never stop the innvoations, we are also the first one to introduce concave spiral and file-cut to the industry.
With over 160 years experiences and know-how, Heusch have growth into the world leader while it comes to shearing.
Heusch is 100% "MADE IN GERMANY" and only high quality European materials are used in the production.
If you are looking for a realiable partner to guarantee the best and most cost-effective shearing, Heusch is always at your service.
Heusch GmbH & Co. KG
Kellershaustr. 11-15
D- 52078 Aachen
Tel +49 (0)241.168 95-0
Fax +49 (0)241.168 95-255
To learn more about Heusch and our products, you are welcome to visit Heusch company website at http://www.heusch.de/en_start.html